
One Of The Most Exciting Low Calorie Natural Sweeteners To Hit The Market In The Past Century.

Get Allulose In Your R&D Tool Kit Now And Discover Why.

Imagine Confectionary Goods That Are Rich And Delicious With No Added Sugars And A 10th Of The Calories.

As discussions around added sugars heat up in the media, health-conscious consumers will be watching nutrition labels closer than ever. Food developers are challenged to create products that taste and perform like familiar sugar-laden goods, but without the calories and negative health effects. This is where allulose has been a game-changer. Get your FREE allulose toolkit and make deep clean cuts to the added sugar in your product. Be a leader in the clean label sugar reduction movement.

Consumers Are Aware Of the Negative health Effects Of Sugar And Are Demanding Clean Label Alternatives To Their Favorite Food And Beverages

It is becoming increasingly obvious that sugar consumption can lead to diabetes, obesity and heart disease. Three out of five consumers are making buying decisions based on added sugars and clean ingredients. Sugar provides no nutritional value; it is used solely for sensory and functional attributes. Allulose is the first natural sweetener to perform just like sugar without impacting blood glucose & insulin levels or calorie intake. Get a FREE allulose toolkit to join the front line of food innovators.

Allulose is not your average sugar substitute

What Is Allulose:

  • One of the most revolutionary sweeteners to hit the market in decades
  • Makes deep, clean cuts to 90% of added sugars
  • A monosaccharide that can be found naturally in figs, raisins and maple syrup
  • The chemical makeup is almost exactly the same as sucrose, but its slight difference in hydrogen and oxygen structures mean it has just one tenth of the calories of sugar
  • Less than two calories per gram

Allulose As A Sweetening System:

  • Has synergy with other sweeteners
  • Similar taste and texture to sucrose
  • No unpleasant aftertaste and is completely neutral
  • Highly soluble at low or high temperature solutions
  • No cooling effect like sweeteners such as erythritol
  • Moisture-binding also contributes to extended shelf-life, brownies and cookies will not harden over time
  • Provides the expected mouthfeel that sugar imparts, leading to a more satisfying flavor without requiring the addition of bulking ingredients
  • In aerated food systems, foaming properties of egg whites are improved
  • Participation in the Maillard reaction supports browning and adds a golden hue to breads and rolls

Allulose & The Body

  • Unlikely to cause gas or bloating because it resists fermentation in the stomach.
  • Studies suggest Allulose may lower blood glucose levels, which is promising to those with diabetes.
  • Early research shows that allulose has some anti-inflammatory properties and could possibly help with chronic diseases
  • May decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes by protecting the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas
  • Vast amounts of research have conclusively shown that use of allulose will not take the body out of a state of ketosis nor will it affect blood glucose

The “Added Sugar” Scarlet letter

  • Consumers are demanding low-sugar, clean label options
  • According to an IFIC health survey, 48% of consumers say they are eliminating certain foods and beverages from their diet because of sugar
  • Baby boomers are feeling the effects of poor lifestyle choices and changing the way they live
  • Half of women surveyed said they are reducing their sugar intake
  • Brands have recently started reformulating with stevia and monk fruit products, but there are many other healthy options consumers don’t know about. Consumers are becoming more health conscious, but they are still often misinformed about sweeteners
  • Clean labels have enormous customer appeal and will not go unnoticed by diabetics, low glycemic dieters and anyone living a healthy lifestyle
  • Cities like Boulder, San Francisco and Albany were the latest major US cities to implement sugar taxes on soft drinks. This is also a global issue; many countries are making similar changes when it comes to sugar consumption
  • Children are our future, and parents no longer want to buy sugary products for their young ones
  • Weight gain and diabetes are some of the biggest issues facing the sugar industry
  • 75% of consumers surveyed said that sugar content affects their purchasing behavior

3. Consumer-Friendly
Benefits of Allulose.

  • Allulose is a great opportunity to hop on the ketogenic/low-carb lifestyle trend
  • Allulose is available in liquid and powder, perfect for a variety of products
For more information on allulose

Clean Label Sugar Reduction

is key to winning health minded and mainstream consumers. Allulose may help you reach it with clean label calorie reduction.

In a study released by the Consumer Goods Forum, more than 102 food companies surveyed reformulated 180,000 products to support a healthier lifestyle and address public health issues. Ingredient suppliers and food technologists alike have this opportunity to step up their game. Companies like Coke, Pepsi, Kraft and Nestle are making changes, are you?
This is your chance to create a clean label product that consumers will love.

Don’t get left behind the Clean Label
Sugar Reduction Movement.

Learn more about your options today

For more information on allulose
If you are interested in sugar replacement products for personal use, please visit our retail outlet
“At Icon Foods our commitment to exemplary service means we will always strive to do more than is required and to give more than people expect.”

Thom King

Icon Foods CEO

This Is What Guilt Free Tastes Like!

Worried your product will lose the flavor that keeps customers coming back?

It’s not too late to reformulate! Reduce your sugar without sacrificing taste.

Icon Foods has established themselves as a leader in sugar reduction and ingredient suppliers through cutting edge research and development, reliability as a supply chain partner with abundant resources, global supply partners and multiple distributions centers.